Day one

I turn 50 in September. A milestone as they say. A birthday to be celebrated large…with a big party while surrounded by everyone I know. But inside I still feel so young. A little less energetic than my thirties, but young none the less. “Fifty is the new forty” they say. Did that make forty my new thirty? I don’t remember really. I remember the party with friends and drinking well into the wee hours of the morning, but I don’t remember feeling that it was some hurdle I had to jump over. Nor do I feel that way about fifty. I do recognize that I am aging. That I am “older” than I was ten years ago. The creaking bones, weird aches, and memory loss are clear indications of having aged. But fifty did not loom like an ominous monster in my future. I am actually looking forward to starting this new era of my life. Hence the name of this site – A Quintastic Perspective. Unlike some people, I like to keep an open mind and sense of positivity about my future. I don’t see it so much as a nearing the end as an opportunity to learn and grow, to try new things, and to finally pursue the dreams I have not yet fulfilled.

This site is one of those things on my growing to do list and I thought “what better time to launch this endeavor than on my 50th birthday?”. So although some of these posts will have been written prior to that day, the official public launch will occur the day I turn 50 (Or at least in the same month). This will become an outlet for sharing information about life after 50 as well as sharing insights from the journey through it. Together we will try new things and maybe make some connections along the way.

Welcome to A Quintastic Perspective. Pull up a chair, relax, and get ready to share this adventure with me as we discover what life has in store after 50.


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