Have you ever participated in Nanowrimo? Nanowrimo stands for National Novel Writing Month . It is a fun way to commit to your creative writing goals. Essentially it is an accountability challenge to write every day throughout the month of November and to try to reach a word count of 50,000 words in those 30 days.
This year will be my third year participating but I am approaching it differently this year. This year my primary goal is not about the word count but about the commitment to writing every single day. This is something I struggle with regularly, but I think is most important to accomplishing my goals as a writer. I tend to only write when I am attending one of the various writing groups I belong to. I feel like my habits are not correctly formed where my writing is concerned and they say that if you can practice a new behaviour for over 21 days then you form the new habit. Nanowrimo will be my way of tracking the creation of a new habit.
As November progresses, I will be checking in here as well to update my word count and time spent writing each day.
Are you a writer trying to get your project finished? Join this fun challenge at https://nanowrimo.org/
Comment below to start the conversation about challenges you might be having with accountability and good writing habits.