Still having technological issues

I have not yet fixed the technical issue (I am so technologically inept when it comes to coding!). I have decide that I will go ahead and keep writing anyway because I can upload it all later when I finally do figure out whatever it is that I have done incorrectly. I do have a little bit of writing block today. I am tired from all the overtime I have been putting in at my full time job and I am antsy about getting my sites up and running. So many people in this world are getting their blogs going in a matter of minutes and I am having trouble just getting it so you can even find it. How can something so seemingly simple have me so stumped? I guess I just really need to sit down with the new book I bought about working with word press and work my way through it! But now I think I need to sign off and do some free writing to get the creative juices flowing. I’ll be back soon….I promise!


Update Jan 20 2016 – I broke down and asked the hosting (canspace) tech support to assist with getting the site working and the lady I was communicating with fixed all my self inflicted issues. So much stress has been instantly removed from my life! Thank you canspace for helping this technologically challenged woman launch the site.


Please share your stories about issues you might have had when first launching your site.  How did you overcome the learning curve? What advice can you give someone else that might be experiencing troubles?

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